If you love D&D5e but you feel the need for an Italian, funny and fairytale-like setting, we have found something that is right for you: Brancalonia!

Do you want to get an idea of what it can be? Imagine mixing the chivalrous and courteous tradition (medieval poetry, Renaissance epics), some Italian cult films (Armata Brancaleone, Il Mestiere delle Armi, L’Arcidiavolo, Attila Flagello di Dio, Bud Spencer and Terence Hill…), the works of the most important Italian writers of the twentieth century (Pederiali, Eco, Buzzati and Calvino) and Italian fables and folklore (Le Piacevoli Notti di Straparola, Cunto de li Cunti, Pinocchio di Collodi, Pitrè and Calvino collections,…). If all this has not yet aroused your curiosity, you are unforgivable!
This work was born thanks to the collaboration between Zappa and Spada‘s “Spaghetti Fantasy” (anthological series published by Acheron Books) and the “Menare Fantasy” by Ignoranza Eroica. At the moment it is possible to stay updated on this project only through its Facebook group (besides following us, of course!), but important news will arrive soon. And we can’t wait!
This project was therefore born from the minds of various well-known personalities in the sector, among which we can mention Mauro Longo, Davide Mana, Samuel Marolla, Masa Facchini, Jack Sensolini, Luca Mazza and Federico Guerri. Even the artistic side will be of a high standard, given the presence of Fabio Porfidia and Lorenzo Nuti. Not bad!

A Kickstarter at the gates, let’s prepare for the siege!
The Kickstarer campaign of Brancalonia for D&D5e (in collaboration with Officina Meningi and LudiBlood) will begin on March 23, both in Italian and English. We still don’t know nothing about the prices, the possible pledges, the stretch goals and the add-ons, but frankly we are very anxious to discover them! Fundraising will end on April 12 and, in our opinion, will be a triumph. In its extension it will also include the important PLAY: Festival del Gioco and this choice is not accidental. During this italian event it will be possible to meet the authors and artists, try Brancalonia directly and purchase the Quickstart in physical copy.
However, we advise you that it is also possible to subscribe to the mailing list to receive updates and above all, from March 1, a free copy of the Quickstart in PDF. Inside you will find: a general presentation of the setting, the world map, six premade characters and the adventure Il Tesoro del Bigatto.
We also find interesting that the authors have shown themselves open to the possibility of being contacted to organize official events and game demonstrations in associations, shops and clubs. In case you are interested, do not hesitate to tell it!

What will the setting for D&D5e Brancalonia contain?
We can however anticipate that the manual will have 192 A4 pages, in full color and with hard cover. Inside you will find:
- A general description of the Regno di Taglia, both historical and geographical. The territory extends from the Pale Mounts in the north to the Cariddi sea in the south, from the barbaric city of Tergesta in the east to the coast of the Zigano sea in the far west. Some other places of interest are Penumbria, the Pagan Plain and Borgo Stricchiano. The shape of this kingdom is that of the real Italy, but “reversed”; this represents the sense of “up side down” that governs the setting.
- 5 new playable races (in addition to the Human) taken from Italian tradition and folklore: Dotato, Malebranche, Marionetta, Morgante and Selvatico.
- 11 new subclasses, one for each of the basic classes, each of which adapted to the setting and strongly imbued with Italian traditions and folklore. Among them we can mention the Benandante, the Jettatore, the Brigante and the Fratacchione.
- New Backgrounds, Character Traits, Ideals, Bonds and Flaws typical of the Brancalonia adventurers.
- New Talents, Spells, Treasures, Diseases and Poisons.
- Secrets, threats, curiosities, places of interest, rumors, monsters and game ideas for the master; among them there are a generator of inns, a generator of memorabilia and a generator of streets that go nowhere.
- New Setting Rules, such as those for the brawls, the management of the gang, the den, the companions, the bounties and the prophecies. In short, everything you need to create a gang and climb the ranks of your company.
- A Introductory solo Adventure, created to familiarize yourself with the setting before offering it to the players (or to enjoy it in the absence of them).
- The Soldati di Ventura Campaign, in 6 Episodes.
- 12 new monsters and 12 typical antagonists of Italian history, tradition and folklore. For example, there will be the Tarantata, the Eyes of Santa Lucina, the Vilupera, the Torontola, the Squallidorso, the Tordogo, the Pellicagna, the Aquistrige, the Corvoragno, the Garatto,…

What we expect from the Fratelli di Taglia
The Regno of Taglia is only a geographical expression.
Clemente Pomponio, Chancellor of Altomagna

We sincerely look forward to venturing into the Regno di Taglia, a secondary possession of the Empire of Altomagna ceded as a vassallatic benefit to Queen Menalda of Catozza. A century after this event, this territory was never recovered from central power, despite the fact that the royal lineage has now been lost. The reason for this yielding? The dangerous Buemondo the Fat of Aurocastro opposed the empire, refusing to pay tributes; he brought together an organization of bandits and thugs in the southern part of the kingdom. And his head is worth the crown. But given the current uncertain political situation, a dozen regions have been formed, each of them divided into local governments.
This caricature of Italy promises a light and carefree mood, which will not fail to make you smile. During the vicissitudes experienced it will also be fun to look for all the references to the Italian culture, getting to know it even in its most folkloristic aspects. So we can just say good luck to the authors!

Pugnaci!!! Baldanza!!!!
Non solo cum libris et cartapotere si puoton ripercorrere le gesta del grande Brancaleone, bensì anco con lo sudore et lo cammino.
La curiosità è magna e mi avventurerò cum gaudio nel Regno di Taglia a favellare lo verbo de lo imperatore!