Role-playing games have proven to have gained increasing importance within society. If they usually do so by offering us leisure and adventures in our free time, today Chaosium has confirmed that can also take advantage of this wave of popularity to do good deeds for Australia.
The terrible situation in Australia
But let’s take a step back, probably everyone already knows the terrible situation of Australia: a magnificent land, full of unique natural beauties, which in the last period has unfortunately been devastated by huge and irrepressible fires. The causes are probably related to climate change, but the fact is that vast areas of vegetation are disappearing and over half a billion animals are victims of this catastrophe.
The true heroes of the situation are the firefighters and the volunteers who are struggling with all their might to try and save the salvable, as far as possible. And a note of merit should also be made for all fundraisers and donations aimed at making this intervention more effective.
A great little hand from the world of RPGs
In this scenario Chaosium, a well-known company in the sector, has decided to make its RuneQuest Glorantha Bestiary manual “pay-what-you-want” (usually the price would be $19.99). The proceeds will go towards trying to save Australia’s beloved animals.
If you are interested in contributing (and obtaining the manual at a tailor-made price), you can purchase the manual by donating whatever you deem appropriate on the DriveThroughRPG page. In this case, we advise you to hurry up: the initiative will last only one week.
The product is an interesting RuneQuest bestiary containing more than 200 creatures from the Glorantha region and neighboring territories.
Finally, if you would like to donate to another specific association for the crisis in Australia, you can find the links proposed by Chaosium on the bottom of the previously linked product page.