First of all I would like to thank Games Omnivorous for sending us a copy of Death Robot Jungle in order to write this review. We usually deal with standard RPG manuals and accessories, but this time the item in question is a bit different. In fact I will present you a vinyl, but the proposed experience will not be just sound.
This product can easily be considered an RPG accessory as, in its simplicity, it offers a complete experience. The vinyl packaging becomes a game master’s screen; on the back there is a map and directions to read it. The vinyl instead constitutes, of course, the soundtrack.
In case you are interested in purchasing the product presented in this review, you can find Death Robot Jungle on the official store of Games Omnivorous at the price of 30 €.

The Setting Included in Death Robot Jungle
Let’s try to understand what experience Death Robot Jungle offers.
The inside of the vinyl cover, as anticipated, can be opened and become a game master’s screen (thanks also to the quality of the materials). On one side there is a wonderful map of an island, drawn in a schematic and detailed way. It reminded me of a map from an old JRPG video game or a chapter of The Legend of Zelda saga, but modernized and made original and relevant to the work. On the other side there are some guidelines that characterize the setting. Here the map (in stylized version) is divided into macro-areas and each of them is described with a few but very effective words. In addition, there are also lists dedicated to the flora, fauna and special events that characterize the setting.
The dominant colors are green and red, with white/gray details; the only other main color is the blue of the sea surrounding the island on the map. These colors are reflected in the various parts of the product. Moreover the style adopted is really particular and, in its eccentricity, it knows how to amaze and immediately catch the eye.

The Songs on the Vinyl
The musical genre of the songs contained in the vinyl is also very particular. I would struggle to give another definition, so I rely on what the authors said: tropical sci-fi. Some tracks are similar to electronic music, some others to jazz and some others are not comparable to anything. In any case, it manages to be perfectly in tune with the proposed setting, deeply enriching it. The authors themselves, in fact, recommend using this soundtrack as the backbone of the narration; each track conveys unique emotions and sensations, very significant for those who want to live an unusual role-playing experience.

From an aesthetic point of view, the Death Robot Jungle vinyl presented in this review is a classic 33 rpm with Side A and Side B. The tracks contained are 10, with the addition of 4 interludes. The total duration is therefore not exaggeratedly extended but, being instrumental and alternative pieces, the repeated listening caused me neither boredom nor annoyance.
Since it is really difficult to express in words the feelings transmitted by these songs, I prefer to leave you a couple of examples:
Conclusions of the Death Robot Jungle Review
This product belongs to the “Random Psych Weirdness” category of the Games Omnivorous website and the reason is clear.
It’s not a conventional experience, but sometimes it’s good to try something new. In this case we have a setting and its deeply linked soundtrack. The two elements were created for each other and for this reason they form a perfect combination. Scrolling through the song titles and the minimalist presentation of the island, we find a tropical island with swamps, giant insects and a volcano, which is invaded by strange robots. Kudos to the brilliant minds of Andre Novoa and Manuel Pinheiro!
Keep in mind that there is no plot of any kind; the world is that, but the narrator and the players will have to create a story around it. Obviously this comes after choosing a suitable game system, since there are no recommended ones. Personally I would suggest something as minimal as Mörk Borg, so as not to lose the immediacy of the sensations proposed.
The product is very extravagant, but does not forget about practicality; in fact, a printable version of the map and the soundtrack in MP3 format are included.
To conclude this review, I can tell you that in my opinion Death Robot Jungle is not a product for everyone, but it can give everyone something special and alternative. Especially recommended for lovers of oddities. And psychedelic robots.