Today is finally the day: Norse Grimoire officially lands on Kickstarter!
In the last weeks we have spread the news of the beginning of the project, a compendium aimed at faithfully recreating the ancient Norse magic in D&D5e. Still full of curiosities, we decided to interview the guys from Mana Project Studio and ask for some details in preview. A few days ago the team unveiled the date and now we can finally see what they propose.

A great work is born from great minds

Some of the most talented Italian writers and artists participated in this project. Among them we can mention:
- Michele Paroli: author of Journey to Ragnarok and Historia, founder and lead designer of Mana Project Studio.
- Marco B Bucci: author of the fantasy comics Magna Veritas (for Soleil) and Nomen Omen (for Panini Comics).
- Mila Fois: author of many mythological tales and the series of books Meet Myths.
- Andrea Guardino: Journey to Ragnarok artist and illustrator.
The content of the manual
Questo forse era l’aspetto che più eravamo ansiosi di scoprire: cosa conterrà il manuale? Prima di tutto possiamo dirvi che sarà un corposo manuale di 160 pagine a colori con due possibili copertine, una standard e un’elegantissima edizione speciale. Per quanto riguarda i contenuti veri e propri troveremo:
This was perhaps the aspect we were most eager to discover: what will the manual contain? First of all we can tell you that it will be a full-bodied manual of 160 color pages with two possible covers, a standard one and a very elegant special edition. As for the actual contents we will find:
- Runes of Knowledge. A historical essay about the Runes, how they appear in Norse Mythology, and their role in the Divination.
- Encrypted Runes. How to read them and how to use them for your secret message.
- 24 Runes of the Elder Futhark. Their meaning, their story and their use in Divination.
- Icelandic Magical Staves. A historical essay about Iceland Mythology, the ancient grimoire, and the warlocks.
- 36 Galdrastafir. Their origin, their rituals, and their magical effects.
- Tattoos & Ritual Paintings. Game mechanics of the effects that Runes and Galdrastafir have on the skin of your characters or on the items.
- Extensive Bibliography of the research that led us to this book.

The structure of the Norse Grimoire Kickstarter campaign
Now let’s see the available pledges. The most accessible one on the Kickstarter page guarantees the digital PDF copy of Norse Grimoire for €12. The physical copy instead costs €44. Moreover there are some offers that also include the highly requested reprint of Journey to Ragnarok, including Adventure and Setting, The Gray Wanderer, Battles beyond the Sea, The Rune Thief, Maps, Tokens and Pre-made Characters. These bundles range from €49 to €199, based on which products you want in physical copy and which in PDF.
Note that in most of these packages, the highly coveted 24-sided RuneDice is also proposed. If it is not included, you can always buy it as an add-on, as well as other inserts such as the Journey to Ragnarok game master screen.
At the moment the team has revealed only one stretch goal, a gold foil design on the standard cover. As already happens for many other projects, the others will be revealed only when the previous one is reached.
Questa campagna Kickstarer sembra molto ben pensata, visto che permette di portarsi a casa Norse Grimoire (e i vari prodotti annessi) con un risparmio tra il 20% e il 30% rispetto al prezzo di listino.
This Kickstarer campaign seems very well thought out, since it allows you to take Norse Grimoire (and the various products attached) home with a saving of between 20% and 30% compared to the retail price. The confirmation? The requested funds were reached in about half an hour from the start of the campaign!
