Today we are pleased to show you our review of The One Ring Bundle, a work by Francesco Nepitello and Marco Maggi. First of all we want to thank Free League for making this rich box set available for us. You can find it on its official store, where you can also individually purchase themanual Core Rules or the Starter Set that make up the bundle. Costing 1184 crowns (about 119 euros), it has an extraordinary an quality / price ratio.
The bundle includes the core manual, the Loremaster screen, the Rivendell Compendium and the Starter Set. In the latter you will find an introductory guide to the rules, the compendium The Shire and the volume The Adventures, which collects five short but very immersive adventures. The game material is completed by 8 character sheets with pre-generated characters, a map of Eriador and one of the Shire, 30 equipment cards, 6 cards with synthesis of roles during exploration and combat options.
Finally Free League makes us happy with a dedicated set of dice: two d12s (Feat Dice) and six d6s (Success Dice).

A Courageous Choice
Free League has already shown us that they are not afraid to change the milestones of the genre, as they did with the new edition of Twilight 2000. But in this case they go further. The Lord of the Rings is the reference point for any fantasy fan, like it or not. Dealing with the re-release of one of the games dedicated to it is not an easy task. Let’s find out how Free League decided to do it.

Review of the Mechanics of The One Ring
The mechanics underlying the game are pretty simple. The characters have three characteristics: Strength, Heart and Wits. This score is subtracted from the value of 20, obtaining the Target Number, the result to be obtained with the die roll. That is 1d12 (the Feat Dice), plus a number of d6 (Success Dice) equal to the score in the skill usable, if there is one. This system, which may appear complex but is actually very simple to use, deserves two reflections.
First of all, it is the most profound change from the previous system. This is because Free League has decided to introduce a “disguised” roll under system: at first glance, in fact, it is a question of obtaining a classic result as high as possible. But since the Target Number is 20 minus the ability score, we actually have a system where the difficulty is intrinsic to the character sheet. A real roll under, which makes the game much more exciting and interesting.
Secondly, even though it is a game with fixed difficulty plus modifiers, like all roll unders, The One Ring offers the possibility to scale the Target Number. In fact, the manual proposes an alternative rule, designed for short campaigns or single adventures that do not involve a long-term progression of the character. It is sufficient to calculate the Target Number starting from the value of 18 instead of 20, to completely overturn the balance in favor of even less experienced groups with fewer prospects.

A Mechanic for Each Game Phase
While relying on simple basic rules, the regulation becomes very complex. The One Ring in fact provides specific phases in which to divide the game, each of which has dedicated mechanics. They are adventure, journey, council (sort of a diplomatic meeting with local authorities), combat and rest.
Obviously there are also dedicated mechanics to determine the value and wisdom of a character, which influence his growth path and his relationship with the Shadow, the evil that spreads in Middle-earth and corrupts it. The calling of the character is particularly interesting. In addition to defining a package of skills, in fact, the calling also determines the approach of the character, and in what way this ends up degenerating if corrupted by the shadows.

Review of the Characters of The One Ring
The callings are Captain, Champion, Messenger, Scholar, Treasure Hunter and Warden. Each calling can be crossed with one of the Cultures that can be chosen by the players. Human beings may belong to the Bardings, the proud men of the north, or to the more conciliatory inhabitants of Bree. Or be a Ranger of the North, with distant elven ancestry and a mission to accomplish. Alternatively, it is possible to play a Dwarf of Durin bloodline, an Elf of Lindon or a Hobbit of the Shire.
There are several other character options customization. It becomes possible to obtain very different characterizations even with a game that offers a package of skills that is not too wide, a very intelligent and practical choice.
Furthermore, The One Ring offers a very interesting insight. The game is very rigorous in tracking the passage of time, and how it affects the character. No one can go on an adventure forever, especially in a world where magic exists but is beyond the reach of ordinary people. However, characters can choose to raise their own heir, who can replace them once they reach retirement age. Allowing the player to continue the adventures of an uninterrupted lineage.

Review of the Setting The One Ring
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them,
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
Perhaps not the most original quote, but undoubtedly the most representative of The Lord of the Rings. This is because pretending to review the setting of The One Ring would be crazy, ambitious and superfluous at the same time. We are talking about the most famous fantasy of all time, the saga that has long dictated the styles and stereotypes of the genre.
We can focus on the game environment, keeping as always strictly spoiler-free. Thirty years have passed since Bilbo Baggins found the One Ring. In this time theShadow has had the opportunity to strengthen itself, foraging its creatures and summoning its servants. The opportunities for an adventurer are many; glory and wealth are just waiting for someone to take the lead. But so do the risks, and death is often not the worst option.

A Flawless Job
Overall, Free League has prepared an amazing job. Ten years later, they made a huge number of changes to a solid game system while managing not to distort it. The “roll under disguised”, the greatest impact of professions on the character, the balance between Shadow and Hope have a modern and fresh design. At the same time, the game maintains a very traditional system, for the most traditional of settings.
Someone could dislike a regulation that marks in such a rigid way the various phases of the game, but in my opinion it never becomes cumbersome. It is certainly a matter of taste, but one thing remains undeniable; the second edition of The One Ring allows you to perfectly recreate the atmospheres conveyed by the work of JRR Tolkien.
A feeling that is also reflected in the graphic aspect of the manuals. The layout is reminiscent of an ancient tome, making reading immersive but never difficult. And the same can be said of the illustrations, which recall travel diary sketches but at the same time are vivid enough to animate the pages, recreating the effect of an illustrated edition of the trilogy. Chapeau to Alvaro Tapia, concept artist of the project.
And let’s talk about the covers and images that separate the various chapters, especially in the Core Book. Martin Grip, whose works we have already admired in Alberetor, The Haunted Waste, does a simply extraordinary job. His “dirty” stroke cuts the pages, attacks the reader and catapults him into confronting the Darkness. On its own, the whole bundle is worth it.

Final Thoughts of the Review of The One Ring
As anticipated in the introduction, Free League decided to take up a very hard challenge with the second edition of The One Ring. They managed to propose smart and impactful changes to a classic game. It seems that in Sweden they are not afraid of anything.
The One Ring is a game that fully meets expectations, offering an experience that fully adheres to the setting and its themes. Exploration, adventure, alliances between peoples and, above all, confrontation with our darker half, how much of the inconfessable we harbor in the most secret recesses of our personality. If you are interested in such a type of game, and you are passionate about simple but deep mechanics, this bundle is absolutely recommended!